Friday, July 19, 2013

Noche Magica

Nunca olvidare aquella noche...en que con tus brazos
rodeabas mi cintura y con mi cabeza recostada sobre
tu pecho contemplabamos el milagro del Mar y el
Cielo unidos en la distancia . ..Las estrellas alumbrando
la noche caian sobre el Mar como bellos diamantes.
Estaba hipnotizada, contemplando tanta belleza y sintiendo
el calor de tus brazos y tu mejilla pegada a la mia. Esa
noche quedara grabada en mi mente para toda mi vida.
Esa noche hechizada que vivira en mi corazon por siempre.

Te has ido de mi vida, pero tu recuerdo estara siempre
conmigo. No duramos mucho tiempo juntos, pero quiero
darte las gracias porque me hiciste reir mucho ...como
nunca en la vida lo habia hecho y me hiciste olvidar tantas
cosas tristes.

Te digo  adios y que Dios te conceda la gloria eterna.
Descansa en paz,  Mi Bien........

Monday, July 15, 2013

Romance de la Voz en la Sangre (Por Rafael de Leon)

Fue hacia la tercera luna...cuando lo sintio en los centros.
Estaba sobre la hierba, tumbada de cara al cielo
....Viendo la tarde morirse sobre sus ojos abiertos....
Cuando noto en la cintura como un pajaro pequeño
que aleteo por lo oscuro de su vientre unos momentos
y luego vino a pararse sobre su talle, en silencio...

Fue hacia la tercera luna cuando lo sintio en los centros.

Un ay! de gozo y asombro ..y otro de duda y recelo
salieron de su garganta

Las palomas de su pecho se erizaron de blancura
y un temblor de alumbramiento
sacudio de sur a norte todo el mapa de su cuerpo
e hizo crujir entre sombras las ramas de su esqueleto...

En un brinco de gacela se ha levantado del suelo
y ha echado a andar lentamente por la vereda de cedros.

Parece tallada en tierra la cara de Sacramento.

__Ire a ver a la Jacinta lo mismo que otras hicieron.
Ella conoce las plantas y sabra darme el remedio....

__No te da pena matarme antes de nacer?
í Que miedo le dio al escuchar la voz que le
salia al encuentro, envuelta en hilos de sangre
cortando su propio aliento.

__Quien eres que asi me hablas?
__Ahora nadie...casi un sueño;
mañana, si tu me dejas,
un hombre de cuerpo entero.

__Y que voy a hacer, mi niño?__
__Parirme como un almendro
en la mitad de la cama
con las entrañas ardiendo.
__Pero, y mi honra?__
__Tu honra, la limpiare con mis besos:
las madres, despues del parto,
quedan igual que un espejo...
__Pero me faltan seis meses,
seis plenilunios completos
frente a los ojos que miran
y las bocas de veneno.
__Y a ti que te importa nadie?
Ponte delante del pueblo
y escupele la belleza
de llevar un hijo dentro.

__íTemo a las lenguas cobardes!

__Y en cambio no te da miedo
ir a buscar una planta
de sombra__ flor de silencio__
para derramar mi vida
por el primer sumidero
y que no quede del hijo
ni una fecha, ni un recuerdo...

íCalla !__
__No puedo callarme.
Una perra no haria eso:
me lameria los ojos
hasta que  los fuera abriendo...
Pondria mi piel suave
lo mismo que el terciopelo
y luego ya, sin saliva...
con los dientes en acecho,
se tumbaria a mi lado
hecha un rio, dulce y tierno,
para que yo la dejara
hasta sin cal en los huesos.

___í Por Dios !__
__Por El, yo te pido
que no me dejes sin cielo.
corta sabanas de holanda
borda pañales de cefiro;
aprende nanas azules
y planta naranjos nuevos...
Y cuando me hayas parido
como un torito pequeño,
abre puertas y ventanas.
que me contemplen durmiendo
lo mismo que un patriarca
en el valle de tus pechos.

La voz se apago en la sangre;
la cara de Sacramento
parece como de barro
de oscura que se le ha puesto.

Y con sus manos sin pulso
se toca el vientre moreno...

í Ay, que monte de alegria!
í Que rosal al descubierto!
í Que luna bajo la falda!
í Que lirio de talle inquieto!

í Yo te juro, amor, mi niño....
Por mis vivos y mis muertos,
que te he de parir un dia
sonambula de contento,
aunque me escupan a una
todas las bocas del pueblo!


Sunday, July 14, 2013


Imagine being only 13 and already attended four schools,
And went to each school for two years.
This brought many tears.
Imagine always having to change friends,
And sometimes having no self confidence
And thinking this could be the end.
Then having to move out of state
To a place that you would hate...
This is my story.
So sit back, relax, and keep reading.

On June 2, 1991
A woman named Dalila was scared to death
because she heard that her baby's heart stopped
beating while still in her womb.
The doctor told her that the baby had the umbilical
cord tied around the baby,s ankles cutting off her
circulation. The doctors did an emergency C-section.
After they performed Dalila's surgery, she heard a
baby cry.
But she had no idea that this would be the baby
that the father would deny.

She named the baby girl Tatiana.
Tatiana was a happy baby.
She was smart, talkative, and was very active.
Of course she was too young to realize what
was going on around her.
But her father would refuse to pay child support
because he would deny her.
After one year of going in and out of court
Dalila finally got what she deserved.

Child support
Tatiana finally met her father when she was three
years old. Even at the age of three, she could
tell that he was the cold type of person. She wasn't
fond of him at all.
Every other weekend she would be tossed from one
parent to the other. This went on for another year or so.
And her father's been in and out her life since.

Dalila realized that something was wrong with
Tatiana's eyes.
Dalila went to the doctor's office to see what was
wrong with her child. The doctor ran some tests
and they had to ship the results off to Minnesota.
The doctors then told her,her daughter would be
blind forever. The doctors in Minnesota diagnosed
her with Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome.(a rare form
of albinism, has to do with visual impairment, bleeding
disorder, uncontrolable pains,and can cause lung disease)

Over the years, Tatiana went to St. Lucy Day School
for children with Visual Impairments and for the Blind..
It was a little school in population...a little over 26 students.
She also went to a regular Catholic school that was attached
to St. Lucy.It was called St. Alice School. She went there from
third to fifth grade.She loved it at those two schools.
She knew almost everyone there. She thought her life was
never better.She thought she should make the best of her
last year at those schools, because she didn't need them
anymore. Her eyesight got better and better by the day.

In sixth grade she went to a school closer to her house,
St. Ambrose
This was the year that everything started to change.
This school was more like a public school than
Catholic. She started to hang with the wrong type of
people. She felt things get out of control at home.

Living with your mother, grandparents, adopted brother
(who was also her little cousin),and uncles always moving
in and out wasn't easy. Almost everyday she would fight
with her mother. Most of the time she would cry herself
to sleep. She made stupid mistakes, and she always got
caught with something she did. She realized that she had
changed, so secretly she would take counseling at her school.
As the year passed by, she felt as though she was becoming
a better person.

Then in a flash, seventh grade came. This was a perfect year
for her.. She had become closer with her classmates and she
loved it at her school. In December, she found out her mother
had met someone. His name was Robert and he was from
Natick, MA. When Tatiana found this out, she thought,
MASSACHUSETTS?!.This relationship would never work.
But, oh, she was so wrong. And in as quick as a snap it was
May 29, 2004 and her mother was walking down the aisle, in
a big, white, puffy dress. She and Robert were getting married.

There must have been over two hundred people at the wedding.
Family and friends from all over the U,S. and the Caribean
Islands came for that special occasion. It was such a happy night
for everyone who was there.  Even the photographers who had
been hired at Donovan McNabb's wedding said this was a happier
and more joyous wedding than theirs. It was a night Tatiana  would
always remember

Before she knew it, it was June 11, the last day of school.
That was a miserable day for Tatiana because come August
seventh, she and her mother would be off to Massachusetts.
Leaving everything she knew and loved behind.
She had to leave her friends and her family, even her little
brother and big sister behind.
This would be the day she would have to leave all her friends
and say her last goodbyes.
Most of the 7th and 6th grade were crying. Tatiana was close
to a lot of people in St. Ambrose. She knew almost everyone
from grade four and up..That day a lot of people left  with
tears coming down their eyes, red noses, and tissues in their
hands. Tatiana went home and cried until the very next morning.

That summer went by fast. This was one of the most important
summers of her life. It would be the last summer she had in
Philadelphia with her family and some of her closest friends.
It will be a summer she would never forget. She spent the night
at almost every cousin she had. She went to Disney World  for
the sixth time with her family, and she went to parties almost every

But then, it felt like August 7th had just hit her in the face. Before
she knew it she was downstairs and the movers were packing
her stuff and she was saying goodbye to her grandparents,
uncles, cousins and a couple of friends. And before she knew it,
she was in the car with her mom and her new stepdad driving
to Massachusetts,while sobbing all the way until she got to
New York.  She finally fell asleep from all that crying. When
she awoke, she was at 176 Hartford St. Natick, Massachusetts.

She now goes to St. Bridget school for her last year before she
graduates and goes to high school. She's finally getting used to
the fact that this is her home now,and she has to appreciate what
she has and what her mother and stepfather have done for her.
She feels that she has changed so much over the years.But it,s
like what they say....