Sunday, January 11, 2015


Read an article by Joyce Meyer entitled  "What are you afraid of?"  Wow!!  It seemed she
was talking directly to me.  All my life I have been afraid of everything!  Always wanted 
to do something, but I was always so afraid of failure that I gave up even before I tried it.
I lost so many opportunities because my fear paralized me.  Being afraid can be so

She says,  "Fear is an enemy that torments the soul and seeks to steal our life.  Conquering
it is not something that we do in one day, or even 1,000 days.  It is something that we
conquer one day at a time with God's help.  Being free from fear doesn't mean that we
will never experience it or be confronted by it.  It means that we are committed to not
allowing it to rule our lives and when necessary we will do what we need to do, even if
we have to do it afraid.

Don't ever let fear keep you from your destiny and all God has for you.  It may not be
easy,  but God  will be right there to meet you all along the way.  You might not believe
in yourself, but God believes in you.  God has given us all that we could ever need to
overcome our fears through Christ.

We all have fears, but God wants to give us the strength to face them head-on.  It may be
fear of failure, rejection, loss of control, whatever has a grip on you.  You can still triumph-
just do it afraid.

Each time you feel fear and decide to "do it afraid"  you will enjoy your new freedom so
much that you will soon be totally unwilling to do without it.  You will become determined
to end your days of slavery to fear.  Even if you have a weak moment, that doesn't mean you
have lost your victory.  If we give up, even God can't help us because we receive help through
faith, not through hopelessness.  We need to stay positive, hopeful and filled with faith and
when we do we can overcome anything with God's help.  Anyone can succeed if we refuse to
give up.

Being able to recognize the lies, deceits and strategies of the devil is so important.  We should
always be ready to resist him at the onset of his attacks.  The longer we let a fear remain, the
more difficult it is to get rid of.  So make a decision to be a person of action.  You have what
it takes to win!

Again...Don't ever let fear keep you from your destiny!  You have to go forward doing it afraid
or you will stay crippled the rest of your life.  You have what it takes to do it afraid!!"

Well, I hope I have what it takes to do it afraid because I have to get a (knee replacement
operation) and I am scared to death!, but I am  going to put my faith in God and I am going
to.....DO IT AFRAID....

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